Augusto Boal, the founder of Theatre of the Oppressed argues “The theater itself is not revolutionary: it is a rehearsal for the revolution”, his claim reflects the notion that theatre as a fabricated space serves as a place for people to practice changes making. Therefore, the goal of theatre for social change is to create works in progress, or prototypes of the the future society co-designed by the participants. Even thought the scope of the theatre for social change is broad, there is a common theme of human empowering through participatory activities. Unlike other kind of theatre, theatre for social change is a performance ensemble to raise awareness about the impact of social issues through community engagement process. This concept of engagement that blur the boundary between audience and actor transforms theatre to become a simulation for the participants to play around with different factors, scenarios, and choices of action in order to simulate the consequences. This trial and error process has an aim to tease out all of the necessarily steps that would take for the society to arrive at the agreeable condition that benefit society as a whole.
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